The Daily Click :: 41

One of the many beautiful views from the Bison Range.

The Daily Click :: 40

First off, an apology for slacking on the descriptions of these photos...the last few days (okay, week) it was just easier to upload and be done. But, I'm going to make an effort to be better with it (just for you Dad haha)!  And I've added short ones to the previous weeks photos if you would like to revisit those day's photos!

I took these next photos on a photo adventure with my cousin Ashley who is studying graphic design at the University of North Dakota and is visiting for a week to learn a little bit about what I do, a sort of "mini-internship". I have been doing a lot with photography lately, so I thought an early morning venture to the Bison Range would be good for her to learn a little about composition and the way I shoot.

The Bison Range is a wildlife refuge just a 20 minutes from my house, near Moiese, MT. It's about a 2 hour drive and offers amazing views of the surrounding landscapes (Mission Mountains, Flathead River/Valley) and as you would imagine, wildlife. We came across these elk toward the end of our drive. Look closely at the second photo, it cracks me up!

The Daily Click :: 39

Swans at Ninepipes Reservoir.

The Daily Click :: 38

Beautiful wildflowers, taken at Ninepipes Reservoir.

The Daily Click :: 37

I took this photo following one of the many rainy sessions we had the past couple weeks...this is a stem of one of our rose bushes.

The Daily Click :: 36

The beautiful Flathead River, near Kerr Damm.