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Nothing too fancy today...just a couple pics of some pretty flowers in our yard.

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Clayton and I took a drive to Kalispell today and on the way we stopped to photograph these sailboats in Somers.

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More Sidney and Zeke today!

Starting with Zeke: If I took this set of three photos, added in a shot of Zeke running after the toy, and duplicated it 1238 times, you'd have Zeke's perfect day :) Fetch the toy...Bring the toy back...wait eagerly for someone to throw the toy...Fetch the toy...bring the toy back. Repeat. I know most dogs love fetch, but I honestly think Zeke could do it for 24 hours and not tire of it!
Remember what I said yesterday about Sidney, how she's the more mellow of the two? I think this photo shows it perfectly. Here's Sidney, content just to be loved. And then there's Zeke. Again with the toy haha!
...but he can definitely be loveable too :)

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Meet Sidney, sister to Zeke who I featured on the blog about a month ago. I took this pic when in Helena when we were there for Addison's birthday a few weeks ago. Sidney is a very sweet dog, and a little more mellow than her brother :)

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The Mission Mountains from Nine Pipes Reservoir.

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Happy 4th of July!!

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I'm a day late with this one, I know :) In spirit of the 4th of July weekend, here is a pic of some fireworks I took at Lake Ashtabula last year. I so wish I could be there with my family today!!