
So I follow a little blog called "The Pioneer Woman." Actually it's not so Google Reader alone it has over 55,000 subscribers, and I can only imagine how many more there are in addition to those who read via google's RSS, but I'm guessing it's a lot.

Anyways, it's all about this woman named Ree Drummond who blogs about her life, recipes, photography, etc. Well she posts these photography contests every few weeks or so where she'll pick a theme and people submit photos via flickr. She'll then choose groups of favorites every day, then an ultimate favorite at the end of the week wins a gift certificate for an online photo store. Literally thousands of people submit photos daily, and one of mine was chosen as one of her favorites today!! I was pretty darn excited :)  Click here to see my photo on her site!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Congratulations! I love visiting your blog. What an honor. You're work is really, really impressive. I'm not shocked at all. =)

-Jenn McBride

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