The pic I'm posting today is pretty much the same scene that happens every fall Sunday in the Curley household. Once the weather starts to cool and another school year comes around, Clayton lives for football.
He is the defensive coordinator for a high school football team and is pretty great at what he does (I'm not the only one who says so!). And this photo illustrates perfectly one of the many reasons I think he is going to be even more amazing as a head coach some day.
After spending 6+ hours meeting with the other coaches to watch game film and discuss their strategy for the coming week, Clayton could easily call it good. Instead, he chooses to go beyond what is required of him and spend many more hours watching film on his accord, looking for ways to fix problems or emphasize his players' strengths against that week's opponent. Pretty much doing whatever he can to ensure he is prepared to help his team get a win.
And though I love this photo for simply being an image of my handsome husband, I love it even more for how it represents one of the many things I adore about him; how he approaches everything in life with an amazing and inspiring level of dedication.
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